Led displey ekrani raqamli asrda juda keng tarqalgan, adding a lot of brilliant neon shadows to the world. led display screen is popular with most people, which promotes the market with a certain demand, and makes the led display screen enter a new stage of development and rise to a new height of development. the display effect of led display directly relates to users and audiences. in order to obtain a perfect experience, boshqariladigan displeyning sifatini nazorat qilish va yaxshilash kerak.
how to choose the led display? select led display indicator?
shu kunlarda, with the progress of social science and technology and the development of outdoor advertising, people’s demand for outdoor media is getting higher and higher, so the large led screen began to emerge. large-scale led display is the perfect combination of science and technology and media. the product application involves many fields such as financial securities, sport, aeroportlar, temir yo'llar, stantsiyalari, highway transportation, tijorat reklamalari, posts, telecommunications and so on. how to choose a good quality large led screen is a problem that many buyers need to consider. shunday qilib, tashqi displey talablariga javob berish uchun, tashqi ko'rinishdagi to'liq rangli lED displeyda qanday elementlar bo'lishi kerak?
1. yuqori aniqlikdagi displey effekti
video reklamaning asosiy tashuvchisi sifatida, tashqi to'liq rangli displey yuqori aniqlikdagi ekran effektiga muhtoj. bu yuqori piksellar sonini o'z ichiga oladi, yuqori yorqinlik, yuqori kontrast va boshqalar. yuqori aniqlik yuqori sifatli reklama rasmlarining yaxshi taqdimotini kafolatlaydi; yuqori yorqinlik to'g'ridan-to'g'ri quyosh nuri ostida rasmlarning aniq ko'rinishini kafolatlaydi; yuqori kontrast rasmlarning rangi va rasmlarning nozikligini kafolatlaydi.
2. kam energiya sarfi, energiya tejash va emissiyalarni kamaytirish
tashqi to'la rangli ekranli displey tegishli ravishda hukumat tomonidan chaqirilishi kerak. energiya tejash va chiqindilarni kamaytirish ishlab chiqarishda muhim standart sifatida qabul qilinishi kerak, shu jumladan mahsulotning iste'moli, mahsulotni chayqaladigan ishlashi va mahsulotni o'rnatish uchun zarur bo'lgan temir tuzilishi. price of full color led display screen
3. keng maydonga katta nuqtai nazar bilan qarash
the main task of outdoor full-color led display is to advertise and publicize the image. shuning uchun, Tashqi ko'rinishdagi to'liq rangli displeyning asosiy maqsadi ko'proq tomoshabinlarga rasmni ko'rish imkoniyatini berishdir. u ko'rish burchagini maksimal darajada qoplash uchun katta nuqtai nazaridan yaratilgan.
4. high protection level
because it is used outdoors, weather environment must be taken into account. tashqi to'liq rangli lED displey should generally reach ip67 protection level, in order to fully adapt to all kinds of bad weather, ensure that outdoor led display has strong weather resistance, can be used for a long time, and ensure that customers’profits reach maximum value.