P10.4 tashqi yoritgichli shaffof ekranli mash svetodiodli video devor / oynali LED parda ekrani
Mahsulotimizning xususiyatlari
1. O'tkazuvchanlik
Oddiy LED displey noaniq, It’s permeability is 0and the high transparency of the LED transparent screen is more than 60%. Bundan tashqari, the effect of the screen display is very cool.
2. Komponent
Oddiy ekranli bitta datchikli LED displeyli tana og'irligi odatda 20 kg dan ortiq, ekran maydoni juda katta bo'lsa, bu ekran po'latdan yasalgan tuzilishga va asl qurilish tuzilmasiga qiyinchilik tug'diradi, the single panel component is about 12kg, po'lat konstruktsiyalar uchun yuk ko'taruvchi talablar juda past. So it can stand Independent equipment