kichik piyodali displeylarning an'anaviy led belgilaridan ustunligi?

small pixel pitch led display refers to the indoor led display with the spacing below p2.5, which mainly includes p2.5, p2.0, p1.8, p1.5 and other led display products. with the improvement of the manufacturing technology of led display, the resolution of traditional led display has been greatly improved. small pitch led display screen is the collective name of a whole set of systems, including led display system, high-definition display control system and heat dissipation system. kichkina bo'shliqli led displey, yorqinlikni davlat nazoratini amalga oshirish uchun piksel darajadagi nuqtani boshqarish texnologiyasini qabul qiladi, ranglarning pasayishi va displey ekranining piksel birliklarining birligi. displey ekranini ishlab chiqarish jarayonida, avtomatik reflektiv payvandlash jarayoni qo'lda payvandlashsiz qabul qilinadi.
kompaniyaning kichkina bo'sh joy egallagan displeyi juda aniq, past kul rang, keng gamut, oson tuzatish va boshqa afzalliklar mijozlar uchun eng yaxshi tanlovga aylandi. mahsulot bozorga chiqqandan keyin, sotish juda mashhur, bu butun mamlakat bo'ylab ko'plab foydalanuvchilar tomonidan tasdiqlangan.

hd led displey
an'anaviy bilan taqqoslaganda Led displey taxtasi, pikselni boshqarish texnologiyasi yanada rivojlangan va ishonchli, yorqinligini oshirishi mumkin, displey ekranining qisqartirilishi va bir xilligi. shuning uchun, small spacing led display has a higher value of use, an'anaviy dlp orqa proektsion displey bilan taqqoslaganda, afzalliklari ham ravshan. the following edition will give you a summary and analysis of small spacing led display and traditional display equipment comparative advantages.
1. strong stability, no matter what electronic products, stability is the first thing to do. it adopts high quality components and fine processing technology, which greatly reduces the dead light rate. dual backup system of power supply signal ensures long-term stable operation, working hours support 7*24 soatlab uzluksiz ishlash.
2. yuqori yangilanish darajasi, hd high-definition camera capture picture without stripes, more like i came to the scene to watch.
3. kam yorqinlik va yuqori kul rang, when the brightness drops to 20%, it can still present perfect gray performance, showing good consistency. under low brightness, the gray level performance of the display screen is almost perfect, and the level and brightness of the display screen are higher than those of the traditional display screen.
