Kanggo pangguna layar dipimpin anu paling nuntut anu milari solusi sadayana-kanggo-hiji pikeun témbok pidéo anu dipimpin, VX4S mangrupikeun alat anu pas pikeun nyetél layar LED anjeun ku sistem kontrol Nova. Éta fitur pamrosésan ujung payun anu kuat anu ngaleungitkeun kabutuhan scaler éksternal. VX4S nawiskeun fungsi sapertos PIP (lokasi sareng ukuran tiasa disaluyukeun), HDMI asup- sareng kaluaran sareng Koreksi warna. Input tiasa dipilih kalayan gampang ku tombol aksés langsung di payun sareng tampilan LCD anu caang ngamungkinkeun anjeun nganapigasi ngalangkungan menu intuitif.
VX6s mangrupikeun pidéo sadaya-dina-hiji anu ngahijikeun fungsi kartu ngirim sareng ngolah pidéo. Dirancang kalayan kamampuan ngolah pidéo anu kuat, éta ngadukung 7 input video sareng 6 Kaluaran Ethernet Gigabit.
Dumasar kana platform pangolahan FPGA anu kuat VX6s ngadukung sababaraha épék switching, sapertos switching seamless gancang sareng luntur tapi ogé fungsi skala internal sahingga nyayogikeun pangalaman kontrol layar anu fleksibel sareng presentasi pidéo anu luar biasa.
VX6s ogé cocog pisan pikeun proyék-proyék pamasangan anu tetep kusabab diwangunna média-pamuter kalayan fungsi putereun eusi instan pas USB flash drive disambungkeun, ku sabab kitu solusi idéal pikeun layar anu dipimpin sedeng dugi ka ageung.
The inputs of the VX4S include CVBS×2, VGA×2, DVI × 1, HDMI × 1 , DP×1 and SDI×1. They support input resolution up to 1920×1200@60Hz; the input images of VX4S can be zoomed point-to-point according to the screen resolution.
Provide seamless high-speed switching and fade-in/ fade-out effect so as to strengthen and display picture demonstration of professional quality.
Lokasi sareng ukuranana PIP tiasa duanana disaluyukeun, anu bisa dikawasa ku kersa.
Ngadopsi mesin NovaStar G4; layar stabil sareng kedip bébas tanpa
garis scanning; the images are exquisite and have a good sense of depth. -
Can implement white balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on different features of LEDs used by screens to ensure reproduction of true colors.
HDMI / input audio éksternal.
10saeutik / 8sumber pidéo HD bit;
Kapasitas loading: 2.3 juta piksel.
Ngarojong sababaraha montage controller pikeun ngamuat layar ageung.
Support NovaStar’s new-generation point-by-point calibration technology; the calibration is fast and efficient.
Perangkat lunak komputer pikeun konfigurasi sistem henteu diperyogikeun. Sistim éta tiasa ngonpigurasi nganggo salah sahiji tombol sareng hiji tombol. All operations can be done in a few steps. That’s what we call Easy Screen Configuration!
Adopt an innovative architecture to implement smart configuration; éta
screen debugging can be completed within several minutes; greatly shorten the preparation time on the stage. -
An intuitive LCD display interface and clear button light hint simplify the control of the system.
Kapasitas panguatan maksimum kaluaran pidéo nyaéta 3.9 juta piksel.
7 panyambungna input: 2 × 3G-SDI, 2 × HDMI1.3, 2 × DVI, 1 × USB.
Ngrojong 3 × lapisan sareng 1 × OSD.
Ngarojong konfigurasi layar gancang sareng canggih.
Pindah PVW ka PGM ku ngan mencét tombol TAKE dina modeu switch.
Ngarojong sawangan PGM dina modeu switch.
Ngarojong pangaturan resolusi input sareng cadangan sumber input.
Ngarojong pangaturan kacaangan layar anu dimuat ku VX6s.
Sababaraha unit VX6s tiasa di cascaded.
Sacara otomatis skala gambar pikeun nyocogkeun ka sadaya layar.
Lebar kaluaran pidéo maksimum nyaéta 4096 piksel.
Jumlahna aya 16 prasetél pangguna tiasa didamel sareng disimpen salaku témplat. Témplatna tiasa dianggo langsung sareng merenah.
Naon sumber input HDMI atanapi DVI tiasa dianggo salaku sinyal singkronisasi pikeun ngahontal sinkronisasi vertikal kaluaran.
Nampilkeun layar OLED intuitif sareng lampu indikator tombol jelas dina panel payun, mempermudah kontrol sistem sareng operasi.
The inputs of the VX4U include CVBS×2, VGA×2, DVI × 1, HDMI × 1 , DP×1 and USB×1. The supported input resolution is up to 1920×1200@60Hz. The input images of VX4U can be zoomed point-to-point according to the resolution of LED display.
With seamless quick switching and fade-in/out effects to enhance and present pictures of professional quality.
Lokasi sareng ukuran PIP (Picture in Picture) anu tiasa diatur, anu bisa dikawasa ku kersa.
Ngadopsi mesin NovaStar G4. The screen is stable and flicker free without scanning lines. Images are exquisite and have a good sense of depth.
Able to perform white balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on the different features of LEDs used by screens to ensure reproduction of true colors.
HDMI / input audio independen éksternal.
Ngarojong input video bit-luhur, 10saeutik / 8bit.
juta piksel. Kapasitas muatan kaluaran video: 2.3
Supports multiple controller montage for loading huge screen;
Supports NovaStar’s new-generation pixel-by-pixel calibration technology and the calibration is fast and efficient.
Adopts an innovative design to enable smart configuration. Screen settings can be completed within several minutes, which has greatly shortened the preparation time.
With an intuitive LCD interface and clear button indicator lights to simplify the control of the system.