How long is the service life of LED screen wall for events show

LED electronic screen is also the same as other electronic products, According to statistics, the life of LED electronic screen on the market is usually 6-8 years, and the large LED screen that can be used for more than 10 years is now very good, especially for outdoor LED electronic screen, the life is getting shorter. If we pay attention to some details in the process of using LED electronic screen, it will bring unexpected effect to our electronic screen.
From the purchase of raw materials to the standardization and standardization of the production process, the service life of LED electronic screen will be greatly affected. The brand of electronic components such as lamp beads and IC, and the quality of switching power supply are the direct factors affecting the life of LED large screen.

events show led wall

When we plan the project, we should specify the reliable LED lamp beads, the well-known switching power supply, and the detailed brands and types of other raw materials. In the production process, pay attention to do a good job in anti-static methods, such as wearing static rings, anti-static clothes, selecting dust-free workshop and production line, to minimize the failure rate. Before leaving the factory, the aging time should be ensured as much as possible, and the qualified rate of the factory should be 100%. During the transportation, the goods should be packed well and marked fragile on the outside of the package. If it is sea transportation, it is necessary to do a good job in hydrochloric acid corrosion prevention.
For outdoor LED electronic screen, it is necessary to have necessary peripheral safety equipment, do a good job of lightning protection and surge protection, and try not to use electronic screen in the weather of thunder and rainstorm. Pay attention to the protection of the environment, try not to put it in a dusty environment for a long time. Do a good job in rainproof measures. Select the right heat dissipation equipment, install fan or air conditioner according to the specification, and make the screen environment as dry and ventilated as possible.
In addition, the usual protection of LED electronic screen is also very important, regularly clean the dust on the screen to avoid affecting the heat dissipation function. In the broadcast of advertising content, try not to stay in all white, green and other pictures for a long time, to avoid the formation of current amplification, cable heating caused by short circuit and other faults. When the festival is broadcast at night, the brightness of the screen can be adjusted according to the ambient brightness, which can not only save energy, but also extend the life of LED electronic screen.
Generally speaking, we still need to pay attention to protection when using LED electronic screen.
