fire prevention of LED electronic screen video wall

how to do a good job of LED electronic screen under high temperature fire prevention measures:The indoor LED video screen is OK, but the IP protection index of the outdoor LED electronic screen must be above 65. The durability makes the screen suitable for various outdoor harsh climate.

led video wall
Let’s talk about how to prevent fire from the root to the use from four aspects,
1、 Selection of box material
Whether it’s high temperature or extremely cold, I should consider the material of the box. The fireproof performance can resist low temperature.
2、 Solve the problem of heat dissipation
It can not only effectively prevent fire, but also save energy and environmental protection. Taking the conventional LED electronic screen as an example, it should be combined with the actual situation to reasonably configure the exhaust fan and air conditioner when it works, so as to discharge the heat generated inside the screen body in time to achieve the purpose of cooling. In case of extremely high temperature, it is a feasible way to turn off the LED display screen temporarily. Of course, the hollow design of LED display screen can greatly improve the heat dissipation.
3、 Installation specification, regular inspection and maintenance
LED electronic screen must be installed, guided and inspected by professional personnel, starting from the prevention, “prevention from unburned”. At the same time of installing the LED electronic screen, the inflammables and combustible materials around the screen body shall be removed to prevent the screen body from catching fire due to the surrounding fire hazards; in terms of after-sales maintenance, professionals shall regularly inspect and inspect the LED electronic screen to eliminate the potential safety hazards in time.
4、 Strengthen protection level test
LED electronic screen enterprises should not stop at the simple external environment spray waterproof test when testing the protection level of the box, but should further verify the durability and strength of the waterproof effect. In this way, even if the LED electronic screen works for a long time, it will not cause water seepage. At the same time, it can also avoid the occurrence of fire to a certain extent. In order to deal with thunderstorm weather, outdoor screen must be equipped with lightning arrester.
Customers in the use and purchase of LED electronic screen attention to the above points, I believe that will greatly reduce the LED electronic screen accidents
