How to determine the quality of LED transparent screens

1. LED transparent screen pasting method: Currently, there are two production methods for LED transparent screens: positive light emission and side light emission,. The positive emitting LED beads are made of traditional LED display beads, which have been tested in the market and have stable quality. The brightness is relatively high. Place the acrylic board tightly against the same number of modules and slowly lift it up a small distance to see if the brightness of the lamp beads meets your requirements. Of course, placing the module directly inside the text is more direct, as the higher the brightness, the higher the requirements for the lamp beads, and the cost is relatively high. Although side emitting light has a relatively high transparency and can be used in pure indoor environments with low brightness, if it is a storefront LED transparent screen or LED glass curtain wall screen, then a high brightness LED transparent screen is required. The brightness depends on the size of the LED chip. For outdoor use, larger chips of LED chips are needed to achieve high brightness. Generally, outdoor viewing requires a brightness of over 4000, while indoor brightness of over 800 is sufficient.
2. While observing the brightness, it is important to pay attention to the uniformity of the light from the lamp beads. When observing white light, it is important to check for any color differences. If a thin piece of white paper is used to cover it, it may not be visible, so a certain thickness of acrylic should be used. The presence or absence of color difference is the most important part to distinguish between good and bad quality, and it is also one of the main reasons for the price difference of LED transparent screens. Consistency depends on the quality of the lamp beads. Good lamp beads generally have good consistency within the same batch and will not exhibit mosaic phenomenon,
3. Wire identification. High quality cables, certified by UL, have been proven unreliable by LED transparent screen manufacturers. Therefore, the most direct method is to remove the outer layer and count the number of cores inside! Modules with 15, 17, 19 or even 20, 30 multi-core wires should not be inferior to modules with 14 or 11 cores, and vice versa.
4. Lamp bead temperature. After lighting up for a period of time, touch the LED beads with your hand. If the temperature is very high or even hot, it will definitely not be as stable as if it were at a low temperature. The LED lamp beads will be hot when they are lit, but the the first mock examination is very hot. The life of the LED lamp beads will be relatively short, and over time there will be severe light decay and price comparison.