How much is a creative LED video display screen?

price is always a concern of consumers, but for creative LED display screen, it is not the same as buying vegetables. The naked eye can see the quality and cost performance. First of all, we can see the LED display everywhere in public places. There are monochromatic subtitles, two-color, full-color, indoor and outdoor differences, pixel spacing difference, material of lamp beads, brand, safety Installation methods and so on are the key to affect the price of LED display, not just a creative LED display how much a square, can be answered
But many people still want to know the approximate price, so Xiaobian also briefly describes the price range. In general, ordinary color: 6000-8000 yuan / square meter, two-color 3000-4000 yuan / square meter, monochrome red 2000-3000 yuan / square meter. Small space full-color, the price is as high as several thousands of square meters, of course, we should first make LED display screen according to the project, purpose to determine, you are used to display text, or play advertising video, indoor or outdoor, watching distance, etc., need to consider. Let’s have a detailed understanding of the classification and use environment of LED display and the price factors that determine the LED display screen

buy led display screen
(1) According to the use environment, LED display can be divided into indoor, outdoor and semi outdoor
the indoor screen area is generally less than 1 square meters to more than 10 square meters. Indoor LED display screen is used in indoor environment. Such display screen has moderate brightness, large viewing angle, close color mixing distance, light weight and high density, which is suitable for close viewing.
the outdoor screen area generally ranges from a few square meters to dozens or even hundreds of square meters. The point density is relatively thin (mostly 2500-10000 points per square meter). The luminous brightness is 5500-8500cd / m2 (with different orientations and different brightness requirements). It can be used in direct sunlight. The viewing distance is tens of meters. The screen has good wind and rain resistance, lightning protection and dust-proof ability.
Therefore, indoor LED display can not be used outdoors, so the price also has a big difference. Not only can the customer ask how much the LED display screen costs per square meter, we should first understand the customer’s use environment.

monochrome refers to the light-emitting material with only one color on the display screen. It is mostly single red. It is often used on the front screen of shops or some rolling captions. It can also be yellow green in some special occasions (such as funeral home).
the dual primary color LED display screen is composed of red and green LED lights. The double primary color display screen with 256 gray levels can display 65536 colors (the two-color screen can display three colors of red, green and yellow). It is generally used to display some notices, notices, weather conditions, etc
full color LED display consists of red, green and blue LED lights, which can display white balance and 16777216 colors. It is mainly used to play videos, advertising and promotional films
(3) according to the control or use mode, LED display can be divided into synchronous and asynchronous
synchronous mode means that the working mode of LED display screen is basically equivalent to the monitor of computer. It can map the image on the monitor to the computer image with the update rate of at least 30 fields / second. It usually has the ability of multi gray color display, which can achieve the effect of multimedia publicity.
Asynchronous mode means that the LED screen has the ability to store and play automatically. The edited text and non gray pictures on PC are transmitted to the LED screen through serial port or other network interface, and then automatically played off-line by the LED screen. Generally, it has no multi gray display capability. It is mainly used to display text information and can be connected to multiple screens.
(4) divided by pixel density or pixel diameter
due to the uniform specifications of LED dot matrix module used in indoor screen, it is usually divided into p2.5/p3.0mm 62500 pixels / m2 according to the pixel diameter of the module. P3.75mm 44321 pixels / m2. P5.0 mm 17222 pixels / m2. Generally, large screen with P5 / p6p8 / P10 pixel spacing is used outdoors, and P2 / p1.8 / P1.5 / p1.3 / P1.2 is generally used for small spacing. The display effect is high-definition. The smaller the distance between dots, the denser the lamp beads are, the higher the price will be. Of course, there are great differences in the material and brand of the lamp beads. The price of gold wire and copper wire varies by tens of thousands.

LED digital display screen: the display device is a 7-segment digital tube, which is suitable for making time clock screen, interest rate screen, etc., to display digital electronic display screen.
LED dot matrix graphic display screen: the display device is a dot matrix display module composed of many evenly arranged light-emitting diodes, which is suitable for playing text and image information.
LED video display screen: the display device is composed of many light-emitting diodes, which can display video, animation and other video files.
conventional LED display screen: steel structure is adopted to fix the display screen in one position. The main common ones are large outdoor single column LED advertising screen, as well as the single and double color LED display screen installed on the wall in the station to play train number information.
rental LED display: in the design, the R & D Department considered this screen
